Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Blab blab blabbermouths

I like a lot of the French people, but one thing I really absolutely hate is the amount of blabbing that goes on in a classroom! I don't mean people who actively participate in class - nope, those I'm referring to are the bigmouthed ones who seem to have an incessant stream of chatter pouring out all through lessons!

Marketing was especially bad. Even though our lecturer asked the perpetrators to pipe down several times during the class, they just kept at it. On and on, until I had a headache just from the drone of perpetual murmuring. Don't they ever get tired? That was a bad three hours' worth of almost non-stop yammering!

I'm not a studious person, but seriously, if they'd rather talk and not use their ears, as they're supposed to during a lesson, they should simply skip the class and chat on their own time. Argh!

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