Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Opening a French bank account II

I've finally received my debit card! Now I can deposit cash, withdraw money or pay by card at stores and ticketing booth - in short, do all the things that a debit card enables one to do.

My fourth (and final) trip to the bank wasn't as hassle-proof as I had thought it would be, though. My expectations of being able to zip in and out with card in hand were dashed as soon as I reached the counter, where I was waved toward yet another chair in yet another antechamber.
After a short wait, I was brought to yet another bank officer's office. This time, she had all my documents ready, but I had to sign a whole stack of papers! My rule of thumb has always been to NOT sign papers I've not read, but it was totally shattered today.

Everything was in French, and enquiries about the nature of the contracts I was signing brought puzzled looks and extremely labourious replies (most of which failed to answer my questions to begin with). In the end, I just gave up and signed my life away.

Still, I finally have my card now, and by dint of experimenting, I've figured out how to deposit and withdraw cash (these transactions are carried out at different machines), and check my transaction history without understanding the on-screen instructions (which, predictably, are in French). Cool, huh? I've only managed to do this with the ATM machines in Singapore, with which I'm so familiar that I can even withdraw money following the Malay instructions. Now I can add one more language to my list. =)

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